[Python-3000] Support for PEP 3131

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri May 25 09:10:03 CEST 2007

Steve Howell writes:

 > respect to Kanji, and switches over to Python, and
 > changes his little wrapper shell script to say "python
 > -U" instead of "ruby -Kkcode"?  He could then start to
 > use non-Japanese Python modules while still writing
 > his own Python code in Japanese.

But that's not enough.  The problem is that the reason for -Kkcode is
that kcode != Unicode.  Japanese use several mutually incompatible
encodings, and they mix anarchically over the Internet.  What -K does
is allow you to specify which one you're giving to the interpreter at

The analogy to -K would be if you get a English-language Python source
file from somewhere, look into it, realize it's from IBM, and run it
with "python -K ebcdic whizbang.py".  Same characters, only the bytes
are changed to confuse the innocent.  That's what -Kkcode is for.

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