[Python-3000] Support for PEP 3131

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Mon May 21 17:56:21 CEST 2007

On 5/20/07, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
> > That is how I felt when you dismissed my effort to make your proposal more
> > useful and more acceptable to some (by addressing transliteration) with the
> > little molehill problem that Norwegians and Germans disagree about o:
> > (rotated 90 degrees).

> So let me phrase this differently: I'm not aware of an algorithm that
> can do transliteration for all Unicode characters. Therefore, I cannot
> add transliteration into the PEP.

> Do you know of any?

There is no single transliteration that will both

    (1)  Work for all languages, and
    (2)  Be readable on its own

But are those real requirements?


Would it be acceptable to create an encoding such that you could read and write


in your editor, but upon import, python treated it as though you had writtten


Other modules would see LU_246wis, unless they also used that encoding
-- in which case the user should also see Löwis while editing.

(I'm not suggesting character-at-a-time replacements as the *right*
answer, but the mechanics of recoding are less important than whether
or not to accept the use of mangled internal identifiers.)


If the above is not acceptable, and even the internal representation
has to be readable, then would it be acceptable to make the
transliteration strategy something the user could set, similar to
today's coding: directive?


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