[Python-3000] PEP: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

Lino Mastrodomenico l.mastrodomenico at gmail.com
Tue May 1 18:27:30 CEST 2007

2007/5/1, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de>:
> The point is that even though many people get some passive knowledge
> of English over time, they have a hard time with active usage of the
> language. So when they need to come up with identifiers and put comments
> into the code, they use their first language. See the comments for PEP
> 328 in
> http://python.com.ua/ru/news/2006/09/20/nakonets-to-vyishel-python-25/
> (I'm sure I can also find code with transliterated identifiers in the
>  net, but finding that is bit more tedious, so I would prefer if
>  you trust me on that).

If this can help the discussion, the first example of Python code in
the Italian translation of the tutorial is:

>>> il_mondo_è_piatto = 1
>>> if il_mondo_è_piatto:
...     print "Occhio a non caderne fuori!"
Occhio a non caderne fuori!


Please note the "è" character in the variable name. And yes, this code
used to work out of the box (AFAIK at least until Python 2.2).

Lino Mastrodomenico
E-mail: l.mastrodomenico at gmail.com

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