[Python-3000] Ordered mapping type for Python 3000?

Frank Benkstein frank-python at benkstein.net
Tue Mar 27 17:09:47 CEST 2007


One thing that has come up quite often IIRC is the request for an
ordered mapping type. It would like to propose to add such a type to
Python 3000 and make it immutable, to prevent all kind of problems that
would occur otherwise. Other than that it should behave just
the same as dictionaries for all non-modifying operations.

Furthermore it would be nice to have this new type as the default type
for **-style keyword parameters. First it would make creating the
instances of this new type a lot easier and second it would remove the
asymmetry in having a immutable *args and a mutable **kwds.

As far as backwards compatibilty is concerned this should only affect
functions that rely on a mutable kwds and this could be easily fixed by
explicitely creating a dict from the keywords parameter at the begin
of the function.

Comments? Should I try to wrap this up as a PEP?

Best regards
Frank Benkstein.

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