[Python-3000] Octal

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Wed Mar 14 08:04:32 CET 2007

On 14/03/2007 7.22, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

> [Josiah]
>> Do we deprecate it followed by a later removal
> Nope.  Just drop them from Python 3000.  No one (except Greg) will miss them. 
> The 2-to-3 tool can convert 0123 constants to decimal or hex.

I don't think anyone use octal unless there is a very compelling reason. Thus, 
I'd make it convert the octal literal to int("...", 8). If the programmer used 
octal, it probably means something in his mind (eg: UNIX attributes) so I'd 
leave it that way in the source code. The corresponding decimal/hex could be 
totally meaningless in that context (or he would have not used octal in the 
first place...).
Giovanni Bajo

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