[Python-3000] PEP for Metaclasses in Python 3000

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sat Mar 10 10:30:31 CET 2007

Jack Diederich schrieb:

> I am a very big fan of ordered dicts in classes.  One possibility is that
> suites in classes always store their order in a special dict that keeps a 
> side list of key order.  A final invisible class decorator around
> every class would then toss out the order and leave only a regular dict.

So perhaps, thanks to metaclasses, all those people wanting ordered dicts
in Python's core finally get their wish. ;)

Seriously, I'm not very convinced of the "metaclass-as-keyword-args" syntax. It
appears too arbitrary.

Then again, setting something (__metaclass__) *in the class* which affects the
creation *of the class* is not very idiomatic either.

"class Foo as A" is altogether confusing, since all usages of "as" so far at
least assigned *something* to "A".


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