[Python-3000] PEP 368: Standard image protocol and class

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Jul 7 19:15:55 CEST 2007

Reference Implementation

If this PEP is accepted, the author will provide a reference
implementation of the new classes in pure Python (that can run in
CPython, PyPy, Jython and IronPython) and a second one optimized for
speed in Python and C, suitable for inclusion in the CPython standard
library.  The author will also submit the required Tkinter patches.
For all the code will be available a version for Python 2.x and a
version for Python 3.0 (it is expected that the two version will be
very similar and the Python 3.0 one will probably be generated almost
completely automatically).


The implementation of this PEP, if accepted, is sponsored by Google
through the Google Summer of Code program.


1. I think this *should* conform to the mew buffer protocol.  Assume that 
it will be in 3.0.

2. I don't see how work you promised to do for your stipend can be 
contingent on acceptance into the standard lib.  In any case, this should 
be released at the end of the summer as patches and 3rd party module on 
PyPI so it can be tested in practice and then proposed for the library. 
Very few new library modules get accepted before written ;-).

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