[Python-3000] Possible alternative lambda syntax?

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sun Jan 14 00:12:36 CET 2007

Yes, you're beating a dead horse. Everybody's been hinting at that but
you don't seem to want to hear it. So, again, please stop this
discussion while you have an ounce of credibility left.


On 1/13/07, Adam Atlas <adam at atlas.st> wrote:
> On 13 Jan 2007, at 12.05, Greg Falcon wrote:
> > On 1/13/07, Adam Atlas <adam at atlas.st> wrote:
> >> [lambda ideas snipped]
> >>
> >> Any thoughts on either of these?
> >
> > Replying privately instead of on the mailing list, because I'm not
> > trying to call you out in public or anything like that.
> >
> > But Guido wrote a great essay that covers what you're suggesting:
> > http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=147358
> >
> > Also you should take a look at PEP 3099 before suggesting features for
> > Python 3000.
> >
> > Greg F
> (Replying on the mailing list because being called out in public is
> fine with me. Especially by the guy who made "Irrational Exuberance"
> and "Dash". :P)
> Okay, I definitely understand Guido's point about switching to paying
> attention to indentation within an expression. I guess that could get
> very ugly. My suggestion for (a, b: a+b) syntax still stands; it
> seems unambiguous enough that we can simply drop the "lambda" keyword
> and the parentheses around the arglist, bringing a syntax that's not
> fundamentally very different from the current one, but quicker to
> write and visually more elegant and simple.
> As for allowing statements in lambdas, how about this -- the part
> after the colon can simply be a series of statements (separated by ;,
> not multiline). If so, the function is constructed from those
> statements, and it's expected to have a 'return' instead of just
> having the last statement be an expression. If, rather, the part
> after the colon is one expression, then it acts like it does now.
> It's minimally obtrusive; it doesn't really use any syntax that
> doesn't already exist, it just allows it in a different context.
> (Again, apologies if I'm beating a dead horse, or a Dead Parrot as
> the case may be, but these ideas don't seem too far-out to me; I
> could even try implementing this as a patch for the current Py3K
> codebase myself, probably.)
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--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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