[Python-3000] PEP 3108: Standard Library Reorganization

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Wed Jan 3 01:52:29 CET 2007

On 1/2/07, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Jan 2, 2007, at 6:47 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> > Are you at least okay with base64, quopri, and uu going?  You are just
> > arguing for the saving of binascii, right?
> >
> > Does anyone else care to try to save binascii?
> base64 and quopri implement specific RFCs so I think they should
> stay.  uu implements a defacto standard, but I don't like its
> interface (it uses file-like objects instead of strings).  For Py3K,
> I would be in favor of consolidating things, making interfaces
> consistent, and probably re-homing the modules under a top-level
> package.

But isn't that what the codecs module is for?  If cleaning up the API is
going to happen shouldn't be to add whatever encoders/decoders that codecs
is missing to replace these modules?

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