[Python-3000] Removing email package until it's fixed

Neil Schemenauer nas at arctrix.com
Sun Aug 26 19:20:36 CEST 2007

Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com> wrote:
> -0 on the idea of making "batteries included" include PyPI packages.
> Anything part of "batteries included" IMO should just be part of the
> standard install.

I think you misunderstand the proposal.  The "batteries" would be
included as part of the final Python release.  From the end user's
point of view there would be no change from the current model.  The
difference would be from the Python developer's point of view.  Some
libraries would no longer be part of SVN checkout and you would have
to run a script to pull them into your source tree.

IMO, depending on PyPI not necessary or even desirable.  All that's
necessary is that the batteries conform to some standards regarding
layout, documentation and unit tests.  They could be pulled based on
URLs and the hostname of the URL is not important.  That scheme
would make is easier for someone to make a sumo distribution just by
adding more URLs to the list before building it.


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