[Python-3000] More PEP 3101 changes incoming

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 12:52:48 CEST 2007

On 14/08/07, Walter Dörwald <walter at livinglogic.de> wrote:
> Then why not have something more readable like
>    al;s+;w15;d2

A brief sanity check freom someone who is not reading this thread, but
happened to see this post (and it's *not* a dig at Walter, just a
general comment):

If that's *more* readable, I'd hate to see what it's more readable *than*.

I'd suggest that someone take a step back and think about how people
will use these things in practice. I'd probably refuse to accept
something like that in a code review without a comment. And I'd
certainly swear if I had to deal with it in maintenance...


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