[Python-3000] Suggested PEP 3108 addition

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Wed Apr 25 20:44:44 CEST 2007

On 4/25/07, Collin Winter <collinw at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to propose that the bsddb185 module be added to PEP 3108's
> list of modules slated for removal. Reasons to kill it:
> - The module isn't built by default; manual tweaking of setup.py is required.
> - The following scare-paragraph is included at the bottom of
> http://docs.python.org/lib/module-bsddb.html:
> """
> Beginning in 2.3 some Unix versions of Python may have a bsddb185
> module. This is present only to allow backwards compatibility with
> systems which ship with the old Berkeley DB 1.85 database library. The
> bsddb185 module should never be used directly in new code.
> """

That's enough by me to kill it and fits the primary desire to kill old
modules that have been replaced (in this case bsddb3).  Unless someone
speaks up I will add the module to the PEP when I get my laptop back
or if some kind soul beats me to it.


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