[Python-3000] ugly pie: a "var" keyword

Neil Toronto ntoronto at cs.byu.edu
Mon Oct 9 22:07:15 CEST 2006

Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Le lundi 09 octobre 2006 à 12:49 +0200, Georg Brandl a écrit :
>> They wouldn't be "local" unless declared with "var", I assume.
> Besides, in a well-written program, you will mostly access local
> variables (and attributes and methods), so let's make the clean common
> case easy to type and unobstrusive, and the rare dirty case easy to
> spot. Lots of "global" in a Python program immediately hint at dirty
> code.

I totally buy this argument. -1 on my original proposal, now that I see 
how messy it can become.

How about having "outer" replace "global?" Of course, it's been 
discussed to death - I believe it was called "lexical" or something. No 
reason we couldn't beat on that dead puppy some more, though.

I may come up with a new property for my own use called "deprecated" or 

    x = deprecated()

when you want to throw errors at people (or yourself!) for not keeping 
up-to-date with changes to your class. Something like that ought to be 


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