[Python-3000] back with more GUI planning in a few days...

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Tue May 9 08:20:25 CEST 2006

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> In the interests of keeping it small (both in terms of API
> and code size) I don't consider it vital to provide a huge
> number of widgets. I'd rather have a compact library with
> 10 well-chosen generally-useful widgets that I can build on,
> than a bloated one with 500 highly specialised widgets.
> (Okay, so 500 is an exaggeration, but someone mentioned
> 100 widgets. I flatly disbelieve that anyone *needs* 100
> widgets for even the most demanding application.)

You may very well be referring to me.  I mentioned that people who were
considering PyGUI as the 'de-facto' standard for Python GUI libraries
take a wander through the wxPython demo to see what a generally
fully-featured library offers.

I also mentioned that while I didn't think that a standard library
module would necessarily need to include all of those widgets (or their
equivalent), "there are literally dozens of widgets that people would be
disappointed if they couldn't have."

 - Josiah

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