[Python-3000] PyGUI in Py3K stdlib, more details

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed May 3 13:01:28 CEST 2006

Le mercredi 03 mai 2006 à 07:46 +0200, Fredrik Lundh a écrit :
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > Including a simplistic GUI library in the stdlib is really *not* helpful
> > to developers, it can even be deceptive.
> what makes discussions like these impossible is that everyone is assuming
> that their own requirements apply to everyone.

But it is possible to take a look at a set of applications on several
existing desktops (Gnome, Windows, MaxOSX), and decide that the GUI
techniques which are often used must be supported by the GUI library.

The question of requirements must be answered not only from a
developer's point of view, but from an user's point of view: no only to
facilitate programming of the GUI, but to make a better GUI.
(that was what my expectations list was about, by the way)

> I strongly doubt that the "oh my god, I cannot believe it's not native code"
> factor is that important to everyone.

Native code is much less important than native look and feel indeed ;-)



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