[Python-3000] PyGUI in Py3K stdlib, more details

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed May 3 00:51:18 CEST 2006

Le mardi 02 mai 2006 à 18:14 -0400, Jim Jewett a écrit :
> They can, by installing wxPython.  How long would it take to
> understand wxpython?  My gut feel is "longer than it took to
> understand Python", which makes it pretty heavyweight.

Understanding wxPython in itself is not difficult (a tool like wxGlade
makes it even easier). It's the API that is annoying to use (numeric
ID's all the place, for example).

> Python's no-new-features rule means that the stdlib is the wrong place
> for a does-everything library.  Instead, it should stick to a
> good-enough-for-simple-use library, and explicitly refer people to 3rd
> party libraries.

But you cannot mix two GUI libraries together.
If the developer has started using the good-enough-for-simple-use
library, once he has a need that is not covered by this library, he is
stuck and must rewrite the application with another, more complete
library. Such a rewriting is painful, because different GUI libraries
have different architecture and programming models (most GUI libraries
are actually frameworks: they heavily constrain the way you write your

Including a simplistic GUI library in the stdlib is really *not* helpful
to developers, it can even be deceptive.

(by the way, +1 to Talin's expectations for a GUI system:
standardization of look and feel is very important)



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