[Python-3000] PyGUI in Py3K stdlib, more details

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Tue May 2 19:52:42 CEST 2006

Many of these issues have already been discussed -- and solved -- in a
web context, if you look at the w3c.org accessibility documents.

On 5/1/06, Bill Janssen <janssen at parc.com> wrote:

> > You cannot assign a global key shortcut to every command,
> > while you can assign a local hotkey to any menu item.

> ....  I can see the accessibility
> argument, but it is basically asking for the ability to drive an
> interface designed for use with a pointing device, without using a
> pointing device.


Only a tiny fraction of GUI applications (let alone applications which
happen to be coded with a GUI) actually require a pointing device for
functionality.  In practice, many require it anyway because of lazy
coding.  A standard library should support and encourage *best*

> > In wxWidgets, the GUI system is able to calculate the minimal size
> > needed by each and any widget, and to prevent the user from resizing the
> > window below the calculated minimal size.

Bad idea.

The app may get ugly or require scrolling below a certain size, but it
should still work.

I've seen too many applications that can't be used because some
critical piece (usually "OK") is off the bottom of my screen, and the
application can't be resized.  (In the worst case, when I actually had
to use it, I reset my screen resolution to
unreadably-small-for-most-things, reboot, and then start over.)

> Automatic determination of a tabbing order is not an exact science,
> though.  I've used a number of apps that get it wrong.  I could see
> having no default as a reasonable decision.

Using even a bizarre order is still better than not offering the
navigation at all.


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