[Python-3000] Modules with Dual Python/C Implementations

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Tue Dec 12 11:09:37 CET 2006

On Dec 11, 2006, at 9:10 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> On 12/10/06, Calvin Spealman <ironfroggy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone considered consolidating the module pairs that have both a
>> C and Python implementation? For example, pickle and cPickle and
>> StingIO and cStringIO. It seems like keeping both around might be
>> counter productive. It leads to more code for bugs, issues when there
>> are accidental differences between the two, leading to misdiagnosed
>> errors or hard to find bugs when people test with pickle and run with
>> cPickle. Just seems like all around, if there was found to be a  
>> reason
>> to make a module in C over its original Python version, the original
>> doesn't need to stick around.
> This has been argued about before.  It has been suggested we  
> actually ditch
> the C version since we only want to maintain one version and the  
> Python
> version can be used by alternative Python implementations.

You're kidding right? In most, if not all, cases with dual  
implementations the C version is significanty faster.


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