[Python-3000] GIL

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Thu Apr 20 19:27:49 CEST 2006

> It would be interesting to bring ILU up-to-date.  Get the ILU C
> library compiling nicely on POSIX (should be trivial), then bring the
> Python bindings up-to-date.  That would, once again, give us ONC RPC
> and CORBA compatibility, both IPC and RPC.

Actually, I tried this last night on a Fedora platform, and after
fiddling with the configure.in script to move it from autoconf 2.13 to
2.59, the core library, parser, stubber, and C bindings compile and
run fine.  Passes all tests.  So the remaining work would be to bring
the Python binding up-to-date, perhaps using Pyrex or ctypes.

ILU also has server-side SSL support, by the way.


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