[Python-3000] Will we have a true restricted exec environment for python-3000?

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Sun Apr 9 23:41:50 CEST 2006

> Well, I remember this was one of the key goals Mitch Kapor 
> outlined for Python in his keynote at PyCon.  He blogged about it 
> too:
> http://blogs.osafoundation.org/mitch/000559.html

I'm very interested in this, too.  There are two things that force me
into writing Java code instead of Python code, and they are:

1)  The Java plug-in for Web browsers, and

2)  The integrated portable fairly capable Swing GUI.

These two missing pieces are the big issues for me.  Everything else
that gets discussed on this list is essentially fiddling with
something that's already pretty good (though juicing up the syntax to
Perl level sort of annoys me :-).

To achieve (1), you need to have a truly effective restricted
execution environment.  And you may need something like (2), as well.

We can talk about (2) some other time :-).


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