[pytest-dev] looking for additional maintainers for pytest-asyncio

Michael Seifert m.seifert at digitalernachschub.de
Fri Dec 31 10:08:34 EST 2021

Hi Ronny,

Thanks for bringing this up! I'd volunteer to help out.

I've previously contributed to pytest-asyncio, which actually makes me
the #2 contributor to the project. I helped out with removing and adding
support for Python versions and bug fixes [1]. Beyond writing code, I
took part in issue discussions [2] and even tried to elicit a PR from
someone new to the project [3]. I might have gotten involved more in the
past, but the pytest-asyncio currently needs more review power. [4]

I don't have personal stake in the project other than being a recurring
user. I just think that, thanks to Tin's work, pytest-asyncio is an
important part of the ecosystem.

In the corresponding GtiHub issue, you mentioned you're looking for
qualified help. Whether my offer counts as qualified is up to you to
decide :)
In any case, I can offer help to get started with the code, in case
someone else wants to step up for pytest-asyncio.

Happy New Year

[1] https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio/issues?q=author%3Aseifertm
[3] https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio/issues/197
[4] https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio/issues/192

Am 31.12.21 um 14:23 schrieb Ronny Pfannschmidt:
> Hi everyone,
> unfortunatelyTin Tvrtković,
> the maintainer of pytest-asyncio is currently
> not in a position to do more than the bare minimum for pytest-asyncio.
> As such PRs and PR review stalled.
> Pytest-core want to help the project, however neither me, nor a good
> part of pytest-core is that familiar with async/asyncio yet.
> As such neither pytest-core nor Tin are in a position to mentor
> someone new/unfamiliar into pytest-asyncio.
> As such, we'd appreciate if someone that's already familiar could step
> up in order for the project to gain some more traction again
> Anyone interested please reach out to the pytest-dev ml and/or me
> personally.
> Regards, Ronny
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Michael Seifert, Ruppertskirchen 5, 85250 Ruppertskirchen
Tel.: +49 (0) 8254 4869987
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