[pytest-dev] Fwd: pytest-mimesis transfer to pytest-dev

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 08:26:53 EDT 2019

Hi Nikita,

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 6:14 AM Никита Соболев <n.a.sobolev at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to ask if you are interested in transferring pytest-mimesis
> to https://github.com/pytest-dev ?
> I am asking because:
> 1. I hope that it will increase the visibility of this plugin, we have a
> lot of Mimesis users, but they rearly use this plugin
> 2. I hope it will improve its maintenance, because currently I am doing it
> on my own - and I don't have that much time to spend on it

Thanks for the interest in joining the pytest-dev organization!

About 1, that's great, it is one of the main purposes of why the pytest-dev
organization was created for.
About 2, unfortunately in practice the maintenance will still fall under
your shoulders. pytest-dev developers can eventually help with questions,
but overall maintenance is still expected to be done by the original
developer(s). If you are having trouble finding time to maintain the
plugin, I suggest to start looking for co-maintainers. A good way to do
that is to promote frequent contributors you trust to maintainers.

Other than that, I see your repository has everything required except for a
``tox.ini`` file to facilitate contribution, which is one of our
requirements[1]. Do you think that could be added?

So, having mentioned the point about maintenance and the tox.ini file, I
think pytest-memesis would be a great addition to pytest-dev IMHO.



If you are interested - what are the next steps?
> If not - what recommendations do you have for us to improve the project?
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Nikita Sobolev
> https://github.com/sobolevn
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