[pytest-dev] Fwd: [CodeTriage] Help triage pytest-dev/pytest

RonnyPfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Sun Sep 9 05:37:01 EDT 2018

Hi Brianna,

i believe we have trouble closing older issues as we have quite a
backlog on technical debt thats hard to solve in a non-disruptive manner,
as such various valid issues just tend to stay open.

-- ROonny

Am 09.09.2018 um 08:50 schrieb Brianna Laugher:
> On the topic of issue triage, this is a service we could promote
> people to use. But I guess it's a question if the problem is more rate
> of new issues or old issues never getting closed.
> Brianna
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *CodeTriage* <noreply at codetriage.com
> <mailto:noreply at codetriage.com>>
> Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2018 at 16:38
> Subject: [CodeTriage] Help triage pytest-dev/pytest
> To: <brianna.laugher at gmail.com <mailto:brianna.laugher at gmail.com>>
> Hello pfctdayelise,
>     Repo added to CodeTriage!
> Thank you for adding pytest-dev/pytest to CodeTriage. If you want to
> get more people helping out with this repo, we suggest adding a badge
> to the repo’s readme. Here is the markdown:
> [![Open Source Helpers badge](https://codetriage.com/pytest-dev/pytest/badges/users.svg)](https://codetriage.com/pytest-dev/pytest
> <https://codetriage.com/pytest-dev/pytest/badges/users.svg%29%5D%28https://codetriage.com/pytest-dev/pytest>)
> You can view an the badge on the CodeTriage page for pytest
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> If pytest has a “contributing section” or docs on helping such as
> |contributing.md|, it helps to put a sentence or two encouraging
> people to subscribe to your repo:
> You can triage issues which may include reproducing bug reports
> or asking for vital information, such as version numbers or
> reproduction instructions. If you would like to start triaging
> issues, one easy way to get started is to [subscribe to pytest on CodeTriage](https://codetriage.com/pytest-dev/pytest).
> The more people you have subscribed to this repo on CodeTriage, the
> more help it will get on this project. The more 👀’s the better.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     You subscribed to pytest on CodeTriage!
> You signed up to help triage GitHub issues on pytest-dev/pytest
> <https://u307627.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=E2E2DIkTqIajPU6hMNRcRHG-2Flbe4QlJNOKZoJedwfv-2BsTymI-2FkInAaIFtKHAugpk_wXFy2nOJ1XVOQei6Rg8EwVYdZS-2FdnbpAFtydSKD-2BGv2SPw5xO9m62RzBky8FRXoCXbX8o9H9Myw1SfS-2B1bsi6uvAdWd0DItR6aL-2B1dBfIXhtFKbVjEOiN1wcml7j-2BjMbCJS0s1N-2F2beweSFrC4TlT0oqgRaUw1euc8SfXLUglegv-2BtyO-2B2cVZyZPyogTY-2BW2xHMstc0SF7XLSvDYczEEtPnst6d5ugfta0eGRnTxACQ-3D>.
> That’s pretty awesome.
> What’s next? You’ll get issues sent to your inbox periodically like
> this one:
> *pytest-dev/pytest#2449* warnings: support for logging.captureWarnings
> <https://u307627.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=E2E2DIkTqIajPU6hMNRcRHG-2Flbe4QlJNOKZoJedwfv-2F7bAWZOlBnZ7OnRzvgfq49RKqnnFx8F4YG19mmjou6HA-3D-3D_wXFy2nOJ1XVOQei6Rg8EwVYdZS-2FdnbpAFtydSKD-2BGv2SPw5xO9m62RzBky8FRXoCXbX8o9H9Myw1SfS-2B1bsi6urCtfPVWQgr2f9OYacXqSbxtNOeN9AAW2WiU0hxKhIOnbMtftM7pfAVR4FhP0EApgokyUBRK6jURXeLqg9t3rWPER8zfHpi4nUzQqSESHbpNlOJjpqs-2Fih4hfuFpAtEFkSCfG40uSQi0NTplX73G04-3D>
> The rate at which we send emails backs off automatically when you get
> busy. You can also set you prefered email rate in your user settings.
> What do you do with an issue when it gets in your inbox? Try to triage it.
>     How To Triage?
> First, carefully read over the issue, title, and description, if there
> are any comments read over all the comments, carefully. If a member of
> this repo is engaging actively there is no need to do anything,
> leaving a comment in the issue would just add to the clutter.
> If the issue hasn’t been updated in awhile, or if no one has commented
> consider the issue, if it is a bug try to reproduce it. If it is a
> pull request consider what an alternate implementation might look
> like. If there is something you don’t understand about the issue and
> feel others will have that same question please leave your question in
> the comments. Be as descriptive as possible. Comments like “I don’t
> understand this” are not helpful and counter productive. A better
> comment might be “Can you help me understand a use case for this?”.
> If you can reproduce the issue or you believe it is a good pull
> request, add a comment and say why you think that is. Try to stay
> positive while triaging issues, ask questions before you downvote
> something. If you do decide to 👍 or 👎 on an issue, leave a comment
> as to why you feel that way. Issues are for social coding, if you help
> someone make better issues, you’re helping the community.
> If the issue goes stale, leave a comment asking if it is still a
> problem. If you get no response for a number of days, you can leave
> another comment suggesting to the repo owner that they should close
> the issue.
> Read more about Fixing Open Source Issues via Triage
> <https://u307627.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=gvZlbyjGw-2B4Vj3enF605apAySa8EIl3uCB8-2FIVaWLInepWakSnDUunb6d4SwZwfny8a8jQfW-2B39jh-2Fj1ETE1dMnCXqvqcpUZ6-2F8a79T-2B8qw-3D_wXFy2nOJ1XVOQei6Rg8EwVYdZS-2FdnbpAFtydSKD-2BGv2SPw5xO9m62RzBky8FRXoCXbX8o9H9Myw1SfS-2B1bsi6njfNDHKgjkHeDwW4NTkG1O8fuzjK239ABUALPJoZTntHlhAQ8NvWTztfUDldY06jb-2Fq1Frm6PG0lq5iAzRWY1baJ3uu4VhcO0VV8oCOjkabxc5Z1mkDb6BtCyBOV9Bo0FULAU-2B03ShL-2FmusBB1hYWw-3D>.
>     Goals of Triage
>   * Help share the weight of maintaining a project
>   * Minimize un-needed issues
>   * Prevent stale issues
>   * Encourage productive communication
>   * Teach good citizenship
>   * To become a better coder
> Go forth and make the world a better place
> Sincerely,
> schneems
> <https://u307627.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=HwDhLwOSLCgrJQpXhIJyyTVZeHekFO4Tct7bd9yR32c-3D_wXFy2nOJ1XVOQei6Rg8EwVYdZS-2FdnbpAFtydSKD-2BGv2SPw5xO9m62RzBky8FRXoCXbX8o9H9Myw1SfS-2B1bsi6kDfnf8ChkDbchWJJ1bmbkKIVjVIljXNjDDgV9Ig9Fwk2bUkaJlA0GAduAbEdgQZYngO1m37gM2u9NhfuNLPPa3YNWevtInhWk1fTCF8fueUUTL4DsZa7VaJDhPoxOiTps9OXoynn-2BkwlXnsStjF738-3D>
> -- 
> They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:
> http://modernthings.org/
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