[pytest-dev] Refactor the old tests with pytest

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Fri May 11 06:19:05 EDT 2018

Hi Reed,

You should take a look at parametrizing[1] so you end up with only:


And inside it all tests are parametrized based on LAN_URL and WAN_URL
(possibly using a parametrized fixture if it is more convenient).

Report generation will remain unaffected.

Hope this helps,

[1] https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/parametrize.html

On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 12:38 AM Reed Xia <huaqin2005 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> In my project there are some API tests(with pytest) like following:
> /api_test
>    test_device_api01_via_lan.py
>    test_device_api02_via_lan.py
>    test_device_api03_via_lan.py
>    test_device_api01_via_wan.py
>    test_device_api02_via_wan.py
>    test_device_api03_via_wan.py
> As you see and you may guess, yes...the two set of test_*.py have the
> almost the same code, except they use the different global variable, one is
> LAN_URL the other is WAN_URL, looks stupid, right? :(
> So I want to refactor it, I think the two set of tests should not be
> seperated just because of an variable.
> but there's another problem, this test project run with Jenkins, launched
> by "python3 -m py.test --junitxml=./result/api_test_result.xml",so that
> Jenkins can collect the JUnit formate xml file.
> I think I easily to launch the tests in loop by giving LAN_URL and
> WAN_URL, but I didn't figure out how to generate a JUnit XML file in this
> way, can someone please share some ideas?
> Thanks,
> Reed
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