[pytest-dev] Custom test collection with fixtures

Sterling Paramore gnilrets at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 18:51:03 EST 2018

I'm trying to build a plugin that will do something "special" with test
functions that are prefixed with "case_".  However, I'm having trouble
collecting those and using them with fixtures.

in conftest.py I have

def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector, name, obj):
    if inspect.isfunction(obj) and (name.startswith('case_'):
        Function = collector._getcustomclass("Function")
        return Function(name, parent=collector)

and in test_mything.py I have:

class TestSomething():
    def scenario(self):

    def case_1(self, scenario):

But when I run the test, I get an error "TypeError: case_1() missing 1
required positional argument: 'scenario'"

How can I create the item so that it runs with the specific fixtures?

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