[pytest-dev] document outlining added values

Sivan Grünberg sivan at vitakka.co
Mon Dec 3 03:24:25 EST 2018

Hi All,

 A transcript from a conversation about considering porting django
TestCase's to pytest:

"Some counterpoints:
- Tomorrow `some_other_test` will be the guideline and pytest will be passe
- Why add a new dependency when you have something built in, _if it's good

But all that is just conversation, the real issue i'm having is:
Now we have 2 ways of doing something in the project
consistency is my #1 goal or requirement in a project
Makes the codebase so much easier to maintain and learn (edited)
I'm trying to grok if pytest gives us such advantages that it's worth
gradually porting all tests to use it for consistency, but while the syntax
is nice you could achieve the same thing by reading those paramterized
lists in a loop i think?"

Last remark was in reference to @pytest.mark.parametrize.

Do we have a document somewhere to answer such? like a comparison that
outlines why it might be better to do so , or alternatively, to discuss the
contexts where sticking to Django TestCase's is better?

Is there a full feature list that I may point people at when they ask me
"why pytest" ?


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