[pytest-dev] Remove AUTHORS file?

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Thu May 4 10:24:36 EDT 2017

On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 11:07 AM Floris Bruynooghe <flub at devork.be> wrote:

> What's nice is that AUTHORS is just an alphabetical list of people while
> the github page ranks people implicitly by some random metric.  It's
> also possible for packagers to install this file, currently Debian does
> that for CPython's ACKS file but not for pytest's AUTHORS so who knows
> how valuable that is.  I don't care overly strong though, I'd vote -0.

All good points, thanks Floris.

In light of that, I propose to change it so it is generated automatically
from git, would that be acceptable?

I'm considering introducing Invoke tasks so we have a well known set of
tasks that automate that kind of stuff, for example:

$ invoke generate_authors
$ invoke generate_news
$ invoke generate_announce

And so on.

Eventually we can get to the point where all the changes needed for a
release can be done with two commands:

$ git tag 3.1.0
$ invoke prepare_release nicoddemus

Where 'prepare_release' would generate news, authors, package and upload a
devpi package to nicoddemus/dev on devpi.

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