[pytest-dev] Help available

Robert Kuska rkuska at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 04:02:57 EDT 2017

Hello everyone,

my employer (kiwi.com) decided to hire a bunch of interns to work on
open source projects we actively use in our company. Each intern has its
own mentor and each mentor picks his open source projects he wants to

I am one of the mentors and, as you probably already guessed, I picked
pytest to be my project (it was one of the first modules I ever used in

My current plan is to pick some documentation issues firstly afterwards
with some bugs fixing and as a final step implement some medium-sized
There are basically no rules from my employer about scope of work and
I've decided to ask you whether you have some lists of features you would
to have implemented but don't have a time to.

I would appreciate any ideas.

Robert Kuska
rkuska at gmail.com
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