[pytest-dev] transfer repo / pypi access / ML announce

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Wed Sep 14 12:33:57 EDT 2016

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 15:48 +0200, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> Hey,
> * holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> [2016-09-14 13:58:18 +0200]:
> > I am a bit concerned that people who transfer repos to pytest-dev
> > think that it receives magic maintenance
> I read your sentence saying this does happen, and not that you're
> concerned that it could happen, right?
> If so, what makes you think that?

we had a discussion on this at the sprint IIRC.  The contributing text is not explicit about it.  but if it isn't a real problem that's great - i don't know to be honest.
> > lastly, if we had a pure pytest-announce mailing list we could
> > announce new pytest-dev plugins (from time to time) and releases
> > there. We can certainly get that list on python.org.
> We already have testing-in-python, pytest-dev and python-announce, do
> we really need a pytest-dev-announce too?

FYI on testing-in-python someone pushed for not having pytest dev micro releases announced and bruno/me agreed on only announcing minor/major releases.  

pytest-announce would be restricted and only used for pytest related announcements whereas testing-in-python is a discussion list and python-announce sees tons of announcements unrelated to pytest.


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