[pytest-dev] Proposal: python namespacign for markings/marker objects

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 09:14:48 EDT 2016

Hey Ronny,

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 10:55 AM Ronny Pfannschmidt <
opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de> wrote:

> b) Another suggestion from Ronny: running collection and getting used
> marker names. I'm not entirely sure what this means exactly, since the
> original proposal doesn't use "names" at all, only the objects directly.
> in my proposal the "name" of a marker would be either the current string
> or a type

I'm still not getting how that fits with the collection of *tests*...
consider this module:

# contents of test_foo.py
from pytest_blocker import Blocker

def test_foo():

How does pytest know that the file "test_foo" uses "Blocker", and that
"Blocker" is a marker? One possible solution would be to inspect the
namespace and see if any of the objects are a pytest.Mark subclass. I'm not
suggesting that, just trying to illustrate what I mean by my question.

another important part of my proposal is, that i want to decouple from the
> namespace we put into pytest.mark,
> after all there is now a multitude of plugins that register certain
> markers, sometimes for *different* usages and incompatible signatures

That's the "flat namespaces" part of the discussion, if I'm understanding
your proposal correctly. :)

> IMHO the discussion by email at this point is a little hard to digest and
> to track all points/replies/proposals. Perhaps we should move this
> discussion to a different venue? I propose an issue on GitHub because the
> main issue containing the proposal can be updated as the discussion
> progresses, although I'm not sure if it would be any easier to track the
> discussion itself. Perhaps using the Wiki would also be possible?
> i could make a wiki page

I would like to see what others think first. People might be OK with the
current format, or have other suggestions.

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