[pytest-dev] Commit access to pytest

Ronny Pfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Mon Nov 14 02:35:38 EST 2016

Hi All,

i believe that when we do something like this, we should lean in the
direction of C 4.1
and focus on enabling more people to merge good pull requests of others
(we already started to follow a informal process where we no longer
self-merge until approval)

With the review Approval system that came to github i feel that c4.1 it
not up to date for gh
(i.e. self merge after approval looks like a valid move now)

I like the idea of slowly iterating towards  a more open and inclusive
Readily offering commit bits to people that Demonstrate
they can honor the Contribution Process is a beautiful first step.

-- Ronny

Am 14.11.2016 um 03:52 schrieb Floris Bruynooghe:
> Hi all,
> A while ago Ronny proposed to adopt the ZeroMQ C4.1 process.  While
> the discussion there never got very far (and I forgot to pick it up at
> the sprint) I'd like to propose a rather less radical workflow while
> attempting to make it easier for people to get on board.
> Basically I'd propose to give commit access to anyone who created a PR
> and followed it through to it being successfully merged (with
> changelog etc etc all done by the new contributor).
> The main reason to propose this is because right now we don't really
> have a clear policy on when someone joins the committers.  And it is
> much more inclusive to write down clear rules for this.  Gaining
> commit access is generally empowering and motivating and a good way to
> include new members in the development.
> What do other people think?
> Floris
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