[pytest-dev] Does pytest support IronPython ?

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Mar 30 02:42:18 EDT 2016

* M.Rajani Kanth Reddy <m.rajanikanthreddy at gmail.com> [2016-03-30 11:49:57 +0530]:
>              The documentation of pytest says "runs on Posix/Windows,
> Python 2.6-3.5, PyPy and (possibly still) Jython-2.5.1". It didn't mention
> about usage of pytest in IronPython environment.
> Do you have any documentation on usage of pytest in .Net or C#  using
> IronPython.
> Or, what is the best way to make use of C# and .NET platform libraries in
> Python and PyTest.
> Any pointers on this topic is highly appreciated.

I guess nobody has ever tried, it might just work.


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