[pytest-dev] Pytest 2.8.7 - a hotfix release

Ronny Pfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Sun Jan 24 17:53:30 EST 2016

pytest-2.8.7 ============ This is a hotfix release to solve a regression
in the builtin monkeypatch plugin that got introduced in 2.8.6.

pytest is a mature Python testing tool with more than a 1100 tests
against itself, passing on many different interpreters and platforms.
This release is supposed to be drop-in compatible to 2.8.5.

See below for the changes and see docs at:

    http://pytest.org As usual, you can upgrade from pypi via::

pip install -U pytest Thanks to all who contributed to this release, among them:

    Ronny Pfannschmidt

Happy testing,
The py.test Development Team

2.8.7 (compared to 2.8.6) ------------------------- - fix #1338: use predictable object resolution for monkeypatch

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