[pytest-dev] pytest sprint 2016 / getting started

Raphael Pierzina raphael at hackebrot.de
Mon Jan 18 17:12:39 EST 2016

Hi friends,

there’s been a blog post on FOSS funding recently, which received quite a bit of attention on HackerNews/Twitter and alike:
https://medium.com/@nayafia/how-i-stumbled-upon-the-internet-s-biggest-blind-spot-b9aa23618c58#.kf5a41ubn <https://medium.com/@nayafia/how-i-stumbled-upon-the-internet-s-biggest-blind-spot-b9aa23618c58#.kf5a41ubn>

The author Nadia Eghbal (@nayafia) now started a doc on projects that require support.
https://twitter.com/nayafia/status/689174577302253568 <https://twitter.com/nayafia/status/689174577302253568>

I added pytest to the list and who knows, maybe it will help us fund the dev sprint.

@Brianna: I put in the orgs twitter handle to get in touch. Please feel free to update this to what you feel suits best.


> On 07 Jan 2016, at 10:40, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> Hey all,
> let's try to find out if we can make a pytest sprint happen in 2016.
> Here are some suggestions/thoughts on key points.
> Participants: anyway who has contributed to pytest in recent years but also
> interested newcomers/wanna-be-contributors.  Contributors are eligible
> for getting their travel costs reimbursed (see funding below).
> Location: somewhere around Freiburg, black forest, Germany.
> Date ranges:
>    20-26th June or
>    30th June - 6th July.
> Travel: arrive on the first day, leave the last.
> Funding: we'll do a Indiegogo or betterplace.org campaign and ask
> companies and individuals to help come up with funding for travel
> costs, lodging and food for participants.  If participants can come
> on their company's time and money even better.  In fact, the gathering
> will be a great opportunity to dive deeper into pytest and make the best
> use of it for your company.
> sprint contents: pytest-3.0 and a major new revision of the xdist plugin?
> Cleaning up wards, introducing new features (to be continued ...).
> deadline for funding compaign: maybe February/March
> so everybody can start booking.
> Who'd be up for it?  how much do you estimate you need for travel?
> Would the date range fit?
> best,
> holger
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