[pytest-dev] RFC: pytest sprint indiegogo page (draft)

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Wed Feb 3 07:02:28 EST 2016


Overall looks great!

On 3 February 2016 at 10:31, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 11:20 +0100, Florian Bruhin wrote:
>> * holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> [2016-02-03 10:00:27 +0000]:
>> > I am particular unsure about the "perks" ...
>> Stickers sound good. Maybe T-Shirts as well, for something between
>> EUR 50 and EUR 500? If I wasn't involved in pytest but liking it a
>> lot, I'd be willing to spend EUR 100 or so, but I'd like something
>> more than 10 stickers in return ;)
>> OTOH it's some work and logistic overhead someone would need to
>> tackle.
>> "fix an issue" sounds a bit problematic. I'd rather not give the
>> blanket promise of fixing a particular thing or introducing a feature,
>> this has the potential to "force" us to do things nobody considers a
>> good idea, if things go bad. Maybe more something like "vote on a
>> specific bug/feature we'll consider a priority"?
> "tackle an issue?"

I agree with this worry, "Prioritise an issue" seems a safer way to
say this.  And maybe hint about having a chat with us first if you
feel strongly to avoid disappointment.

Secondly do we need limits on the number of issues and topics we can
have?  It's kind of odd to limit but likewise we can't have 20 topics
and 200 issues as we'll just have to disappoint (and to be honest, we
might be more motivated working on other bits ;-)).

>> What about some document about the sprint where funders will be
>> listed, with higher perks with (company) logo/URL? That's something
>> I've seen a lot with other campaigns and seems reasonable to me.
> Yes, i am fine.

Can we make being listed as supporter opt-in for all levels?  Then we
can add logo and links for higher level sponsors (€500-€1000).

I also wonder if it's worth going into more detail about what we might
work on, currently seems rather vague.  For example I'd like to work
on the "failing tests from finalizers"/addverifier which I'd be happy
to summarise in a paragraph.  It might give people something more
explicit too look forward too, rather then just the next release.
Just the next release will happen anyway, maybe a bit later or with a
fewer features but it will happen.


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