[pytest-dev] pytest and Mozilla's Open Source Support program

Sivan Greenberg sivan at vitakka.co
Mon Aug 8 07:20:32 EDT 2016

Hi Florian & List

 If help is needed in taking care of filling the forms and submitting this
with instructions from project leads, I would be interested. Even though I
did not manage to attend the sprint, I remained excited in furthering
pytest's goals and the surrounding 'ecosystem' (e.g. tox and friends).

 Since I'm now free of my last project,   I'd love to help the coding as
well, if project lead think I can be of that help. Ideally I feel that we
should start attracting student or fresh graduates as 'interns' and enlarge
the contributors list.

 P.S. Has anybody documented the sprint in a free form documentation  or
were they only closed bugs in the issue tracker and new commits made?  :) I
would love to read some summary of the sprint achievements and it's story
as I really feel I missed. Do we have the similar to peps?

Thanks! (for pytest as well),


On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 1:13 PM, Florian Bruhin <me at the-compiler.org> wrote:

> Hey,
> via [1] (German) I just stumbled upon Mozilla's MOSS program[2].
> They have a track[3] where they found generic OSS projects furthering
> their mission, and another one[4] (probably more relevant to us) where
> they fund projects they use themselves. From what I've seen via
> Dave Hunt, Mozilla is quite a heavy pytest user with various plugins
> they wrote.
> The grants are between $10k and $250k. If time permits, this could
> e.g. be used by Merlinux (i.e., Holger's company) to allow someone to
> work on pytest (or possibly, tox/devpi - not sure if those are used at
> Mozilla too?) full-time for a while.
> It seems for the next round of founding, we'd have to apply until the
> end of August.
> I haven't really thought much about it yet, just thought I'd throw it
> out here - thoughts?
> Florian
> [1] http://www.heise.de/developer/meldung/Mozilla-nimmt-PyPy-in-
> Foerderprogramm-auf-3289656.html
> [2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/MOSS
> [3] https://wiki.mozilla.org/MOSS/Mission_Partners
> [4] https://wiki.mozilla.org/MOSS/Foundational_Technology
> --
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Sivan Greenberg
Co founder & CTO
Vitakka Consulting
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