[pytest-dev] py._code

Ronny Pfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Mon Aug 8 01:48:53 EDT 2016

That would break external code
Pylib is maintenance-only

-- Ronny

Am 8. August 2016 00:43:50 MESZ, schrieb Floris Bruynooghe <flub at devork.be>:
>We did move the py._code library over to pytest._code a little while
>ago, I wasn't really involved so don't remember the details.  But
>seems it was never removed from the py library itself.  Was this on
>purpose?  Do we want to maintain two versions of this code?
>Reason I'm asking is because the version in py currently has two test
>failures.  If this code now lives in pytest then I'd rather rip it out
>from py.  Any objections?
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