[pytest-dev] Testing of console scripts

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 12:35:02 EDT 2016

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:20 PM Vasily Kuznetsov <kvas.it at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, exactly, I want to do both (in-process and subprocess). So while I'm
> hacking on the new features I'd run in-process for speed and then I'd use
> something like tox to run proper subprocess tests in different
> environments. And those would be the same tests, I'd just change some
> configuration setting to switch between the two approaches.
> And there are indeed limitations to the in-process approach, like the one
> you described, so perhaps it would be useful to be able to override the
> config setting in particular tests that don't work with it.

Having a command line option that can change between the two approaches
sounds good, as well as having a mark to always enforce it for a particular

py.test --script-launch-mode=subprocess
py.test --script-launch-mode=inprocess

def test_foo(script_tester):
    result = script_tester.run('script --args')
    assert result.success

In your CI server you can choose to run your test suite twice to ensure
both modes are working as expected in your test suite. Also, to avoid
taking twice as long, the plugin could also automatically mark tests which
use the fixture so the second run can execute only those tests.

I definitely would like to see a plugin that implements something like
this. :)


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