[pytest-dev] removing assertion reinterpretation and making the assertion rewriter a vendored package

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Thu Apr 14 00:24:01 EDT 2016

* Floris Bruynooghe <flub at devork.be> [2016-04-13 22:58:59 +0100]:
> Hello,
> On 13 April 2016 at 13:44, Ronny Pfannschmidt <rpfannsc at redhat.com> wrote:
> > currently we still have a monkey-patch in python that causes interesting
> > issues in c interaction,
> >
> > namely the replacement of the Built-in Assertion error by the rewrite module
> >
> > its highly unlikely we can ever make it act correct, so i propose that
> > instead we just remove the assertion re-interpreter
> This sounds good to me. We're currently not maintaining that code
> properly anyway and it has been 2nd class for a long time. My biggest
> worry is that occasionally we still say "disable rewrite" as a
> workaround, but there's still plain so that's probably ok.
> I assume dropping this is something for 3.0?
> > while doing that i'd also like to turn the assertion rewriter into a package
> > exposing a minimal api
> > that way its releases can be done more in lock with python releases
> >
> > also its possible for others to use it and contribute to it
> This I am less keen on. Most code in the re-write package is very
> py.test specific and often bugs about reporting involve code changes
> here. We're slowly moving things from py to pytest to avoid this pain
> so introducing it here seems counter-intuitive.
> I'm not sure which projects do want to use the assert replacing of
> py.test. Do you have a use-case in mind?
> Lastly, in the life of rewrite we've had just one case where the AST
> changed and we failed to keep up. I don't think this is such a heavy
> burden and our release process is ever getting better (thanks!) so
> should be less of an issue next time.

I fully agree with Floris. Dropping reinterpret sounds like a good
idea as I don't see any usecase for it anymore.

And I also agree that splitting off assertion rewriting is probably
more trouble than it's worth.


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