[pytest-dev] Feedback on Cookiecutter Pytest Plugin

Raphael Pierzina raphael at hackebrot.de
Wed Oct 7 13:29:51 CEST 2015

Hi there,

At EuroPython 2015 Andreas and I sprinted on a Cookiecutter [1] template that helps you to get started with writing Pytest plugins.

I am reaching out to you as I would love to get some feedback. I warmly welcome you to submit issues and PRs. Please let me know if you feel the need for a certain feature or encounter any problems with the template.


Up to this point it provides the following features:
- Installable PyPI package featuring a setup.py.
- Test suite running Tox and Pytest that makes sure your plugin is
  working as expected
- Working example code for a fixture, a cli option, as well as a pytest.ini option
- Comprehensive README.rst file that contains useful information
  about your plugin
- Optional documentation with either Sphinx or MkDocs
- Choose from several licenses, such as MIT, BSD-3, or GNU GPL v3.0

Thank you!

[1]: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter

A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates). E.g. Python package projects, jQuery plugin projects.

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