[pytest-dev] pytest-twisted needs a new maintainer

Christian Long christianzlong2 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 23:29:23 CET 2015

On 3 March 2015 at 23:19, Ralf Schmitt <ralf at systemexit.de> wrote:
> pytest-twisted needs a new maintainer. The code is on github [1], so I
> think it would make sense to move it to the new pytest-dev organization.
> Is anyone interested in maintaining it and moving it over to the
> pytest-dev organization?


My name is Christian Long. I'm new to the list, and I saw the call for
a maintainer for pytest-twisted. I have been working with Ralph to
take over maintenance on the pytest-twisted plugin.

I know a bit about Twisted, pytest and contributing to open source -
enough to get started.

So far, Ralph has given me ownership on PyPI and on github. However,
github won't allow me to transfer ownership to the pytest-dev
organization because I'm not an admin of pytest-dev.

The github docs have this to say:

    If the user does not already have [admin or owner rights], a
    temporary admin team can be created with only the user.

So, we could do that, or I could transfer ownership of the github repo
to an existing pytest-dev admin who can then transfer it to the

Please let me know how you want to proceed.

Thank you for your help, and I look forward to working with you as the
new maintainer of pytest-twisted.

Christian Long

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