[pytest-dev] moving to git / issues?

Petr Viktorin encukou at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 11:23:27 CEST 2015

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Florian Schulze
<florian.schulze at gmx.net> wrote:
> On 25 Jun 2015, at 10:53, Floris Bruynooghe wrote:
>> On 24 June 2015 at 09:01, Florian Bruhin <me at the-compiler.org> wrote:
>>> * Florian Bruhin <me at the-compiler.org> [2015-06-23 15:05:51 +0200]:
>>>> After doing a  git gc --aggressive  the repo shrinks from 55 MB to
>>>> 9.2 MB for me.
>>>> So for future migrations it might make sense to do that in the
>>>> converted git repo before pushing.
>>>> I contacted GitHub support to ask if they can do that on the repo.
>>> They now did run it, and the download is around 5.7 MB now :)
>> Nice!  Thanks for looking into this.
> I did some experiments on some of my repositories. I had a 800MB repository
> that shrank to 220MB. You have to be careful though. By default the
> repacking has no memory limit and uses as many threads as you have cpu
> cores. My poor server with 16GB Ram and 8 cores used 20GB Swap extensively
> :) On my laptop the process died at first. You can set "git config
> pack.threads 1" and "git config pack.windowMemory 1g" in your repository
> before you run git gc to avoid that issue. The whole process can take a
> pretty long time depending on your repository.
> In general it seems like this is only needed as a final step after a
> migration from another version control system


> or if you have a lot of
> constant changes in the same files in each commit (I backup database dumps
> with git to keep some history).

Here's a mail with lots of details, including a better command to use
than git gc --aggressive:

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