[pytest-dev] Vendoring pluggy with pytest

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Aug 26 10:43:40 CEST 2015


I'm part of the pytest-dev team, the developers of the pytest[1] test
runner. I'm writing to you because I'd like to have some opinions on
the following PR/issue about vendoring pluggy into pytest:


The common logic behind the plugin API of pytest recently got split
into a separate library, pluggy[2].

However, the public API of pluggy might still change in the near
future - which means pytest would need to require a specific version
of pluggy to be sure there's no breakage.

Normally, this wouldn't be an issue - but as a test runner, I believe
we're in a bit of a special position: Users should still be able to
use pytest to test their projects, even if their projects use a more
recent version of pluggy - or they use other projects which might use
pluggy in the future, like devpi or tox.

Because of this, since it's a very small library, and because the code
originated from pytest, I wonder what distribution's views are on
bundling the library for pytest 2.8 until things are expected to be a
bit more stable.

What do you think?


[1] http://www.pytest.org/
[2] https://github.com/hpk42/pluggy

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