[pytest-dev] Branches and pull request workflow

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Mon Apr 13 01:41:38 CEST 2015

Hi all,

I've just been merging a few pull requests using the new workflow and it
seems to work fine:

- Accept the PR into pytest-2.7
- Add changelog etc if required
- Merge into default

I also experimented a bit with squashing commits as discussed at fosdem but
I'll leave that for later (needs an extension now and need to test how
bitbucket behaves).  However I'd like to discuss a bit more about branches.

Currently it seems we have a mix of how branches are managed.  We have a
bunch of branches in pytest-dev/pytest some of which are feature branches,
some of which bug-fix branches, some maintenance branches, some complete
and waiting on the PR to be accepted and some forgotten to be closed from
old PRs.  This is quite confusing when looking at the output of `branches`
or `heads`, something I do a lot when manually merging.  I think it would
be nice to keep only the "default" and "pytest-2.X" branches around, that
way we should normally only have 2 heads and branches around in the main
repo (the old maintenance branches can be closed).  This is much simpler to
understand what's going on.

It would mean all feature or bugfix branches should live on people's
personal repositories.  Personally I already do this so don't find this a
hassle.  What would you all think of working this way?

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