[pytest-dev] improve -k/-m exercise / want to help pytest?

Okan bhan rajalokan at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 02:56:20 CET 2014

Hi Holger

I would like to work on this but I've some very silly doubts which I would
like to clarify. Please bear with me if I'm unclear/repeating in my views
as this is my first time contributing to any open source project

I tried understanding this problem and looking inside source code. With
help from nice people on IRC, I could understand how it is implemented
(namely matchmark & matchkeyword method in mark.py module). My issue is:

1. I don't understand how we can put dotted path as marker. Currently if I
try a marker (like @pytest.mark.a.b), I get error "AttributeError:
MarkDecorator instance has no attribute 'b'". Does this feature require a
fix of this so that we can allow custom markers with dots.

2. Similarly for 'keywords', in what scenario dotted path (like 4.3) will
be a keyword? We can't put it as method_name, class_name etc. Only option
left is parametrized testcases but I grasp this.

Please guide me to docs/links regarding this.

Thanks & Regards

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 12:51 PM, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> is anyone interested in a little exercise that would improve pytest usage?
> It doesn't require deep pytest knowledge.
> This is about the "-k" and "-m" selection mini-language,
> namely expressions like:
>     marker1 and marker2
>     not marker1 and (marker2 or marker3)
> and so forth.  The thing is that pytest currently uses Python's "eval" with
> a custom dictionary which means that names such as "marker1"
> cannot have dots or other punctuation and also other things are not
> possible like running all tests that don't have "4.3" (coming from a
> parametrized test) in it:
>     -k 'not 4.3'
> This would currently select all tests because "4.3" is true.  Various
> people have run into traps like this.
> So what is needed here are tests and code that, given a set of names
> and an expression string, determines if the expression is true or not.
> And everything except "and" and "or" are valid words. To use the latter
> two words probably need to have some escaping like "\and" or so but
> that's a bonus task :)
> Anyone up for this little exercise?  Or other comments?
> best and thanks,
> holger
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