[pytest-dev] pytest logo previews / please check drafts out

Marc Schlaich marc.schlaich at gmail.com
Tue May 20 17:28:27 CEST 2014

Me too, #31 is really nice.

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se> wrote:

> I like 31 the best now, then 29.  I don't like the 'dark to light shading
> effect in 32'.  And the 'helps you write better programs' -- I don't think
> that this is particularly apt or useful slogan for pytest, whose strengths
> I thought were simplicity, and readability -- so I would not
> be surprised if we changed it over time.  As in as soon as somebody who
> is good at coming up with slogans -- I am particularly dreadful at it --
> comes up with the pithy phrase.  So as long as we have room to change, I
> would not worry about it too much.
> What is desirable in colour choice for text varies depending on size,
> and the materials that the printing is being done in -- so as long as
> it is always possible to get dark grey, which in some cases is the
> only thing that reads well, I think we will be in great shape.
> Laura
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