[pytest-dev] Using py.test xdist --tx with custom ssh settings

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Wed Jan 8 11:46:44 CET 2014

hi Michael,

the prospective execnet-1.2 release will have an extended ssh syntax
to allow passing of command line args, for example:

    ssh=-p 5000 HOSTNAME

You can also pass in an ssh config file (IIRC -F).


On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 11:09 +0100, Michael Heyvaert wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible to use the py.test xdist plugin with custom ssh settings?
> My use case is to run tests against a vagrant box, which has the vagrant
> user
> and a specific ssh key, independent of the actual vm.
> Depending on the type of the vm, it is also possible that the ssh port is
> forwarded.
> I would like to setup a script that parses the vagrant ssh-config output
> and generates --tx to pass to xdist.
> Best regards,
>     Michaël

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