[py-dev] RFC: draft new resource management API (v1)

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Wed Jun 27 17:59:18 CEST 2012

Hello Holger,

Thanks for the detailed document.  As I understand it the vast
majority of the functionality is already possible using funcargs.
Maybe a summary of the benefits over plain funcargs could be helpful?
And some guidance for plugin writers on which of the two to choose
would also be helpful.

Also, as a general observation I think it will become harder to find
where a resource factory lives.  Before you could just grep for
pytest_funcarg__foo which was actually quite nice, certainly when
you're extending a resource at different levels.  This is still
possible but not as easy.

Other then that I've got only one comment really:

On 27 June 2012 13:57, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> Setting resources as class attributes
> -------------------------------------------
> If you want to make an attribute available on a test class, you can
> use the resource_attr marker::
>    @pytest.mark.resource_attr("db")
>    class TestClass:
>        def test_something(self):
>            #use self.db

I'm not convinced of creating a special purpose mark for this.
Firstly it seems like an anti-pattern in py.test to me, more like
xUnit style.  Secondly if someone wanted an attribute wouldn't this be
easily done with::

   class TestClas(object):
       def setup_class(cls, item):
           cls.db = item.getresource('db')

Also, I realised this API provides for what is probably most of the
cases of where I want dynamic resources:

def pytest_setup_init(session):
    for item in my_item_generator():
        session.register_resource_factory(item.name, item)

(presuming atnode=session is the default)


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