[py-dev] New plugin pytest-pydev

Sebastian Rahlf basti at rotekroete.de
Tue Feb 7 19:40:04 CET 2012

> Hello all!
> I've just released the first version of a new py.test plugin which
> will allow you to use a remote Python debug server. This will, for
> instance, come in especially handy if you want to find out why a
> particular unittest is failing in a web application.
> Simply fire up your debug server in your IDE (PyDev or PyCharm) e.g.
> on localhost:8042 and run your unittests with
>    py.test --pydevd=your-ip:8042
> If you have set a break point you should soon see the effects.
> Enjoy!
> Sebastian
> P.S. Feedback is always welcome!

Forgot to mention: code lives on bitbucket.org


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