[py-dev] [TIP] ANN: pytest-couchdbkit 0.4

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Mon Apr 16 04:27:42 CEST 2012

Hey Ronny,

Not using couchdb myself yet but that might change soon - do you have a
complete usage example somewhere of how to use it or did i miss that?


On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 20:26 +0200, Ronny Pfannschmidt wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm happy to announce the release of pytest-couchdbkit 0.4,
> which is the first release of the py.test couchdbkit integration i
> consider reasonably complete for others to use.
> It is available on http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-couchdbkit/0.4
> -- Ronny
> pytest-couchdbkit
> =================
> pytest-couchdbkit is a simple pytest extension that manages test databases
> for your couchdbkit using apps.
> In order to use it, you only need to set the ini option
> `couchdbkit_suffix` to something fitting your app.
> Additionally you may use `couchdbkit_backend` to select
> the gevent/eventlet backends.
> To setup couchapps before running the tests,
> there is the `pytest_couchdbkit_push_app(server, dbname)` hook
> It can be used to create a pristine database,
> which is replicated into each test database.
> The provided funcarg `couchdb` will be a freshly flushed database
> named `pytest_` + couchdbkit_suffix,
> additionally, after each test item,
> the database will be dumped to tmpdir.join(couchdb.dump)
> which is a simple file having entries in the format::
>     number(\d+) + "\r\n" + number bytes + "\r\n"
> entries are:
> * the db info
> * documents
> * raw attachment data following the document
> Attachments are ordered by name,
> so they can be reassigned to their metadata on loading.
> The dump format is meant to be human-readable.
> Future
> ------
> * fs fixtures (like couchapp)
> * code fixtures
> * dump fixtures
> * comaring a db to sets of defined fixtures
> =========
> from 0.3 to 0.4
> ---------------
> - add pytest_couchdbkit_push_app hook
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